She wants the attention of the whole world. He just wants her attention. Tale as old as time. In Paul Thomas Anderson’s spin on a coming-of-age rom-com, Licorice Pizza, the he in question is a child actor and young upstart. His name is Gary Valentine (Cooper Hoffman, son of the late, great Phillip Seymour Hoffman and a dead ringer for his progeny) and he’s destined for great things. She has drifted through life. Her name is Alana Kane (Alana Haim, a wonderful find) and she takes shit from no one. Their paths collide in line at Gary’s high school yearbook photoshoot. She’s working the gig. He’s 15. She’s 25. Maybe. He invites her to dinner. She hesitates. “I just met the girl I’m gonna marry,” Gary tells his younger brother. He might have. Read More