Beyond darkness. Beyond logic. Beyond hope. The latest Star Trek film zooms beyond at hyper speed, rarely pausing to strike a Thinker’s pose. (Though it would rather like you to think it does.) Whereas Auguste Rodin’s bronze baby heralds contemplation, Star Trek Beyond plows through any fleeting semblance of intelligence like a horde of metal space bees engaged in kamikaze. Failing to ruminate on why audiences ought to care one iota about its disposable, busied antics. Hurrying from one expense-sheet-filling green-screen scuttlebutt to the next. Over-relying on character relationships that are age old but still skin-deep. Just another blockbuster puffy with CG steroids that’s lacking a brain, passing off sentimentality as heart and blahly going where we’ve all certainly been before. Read More

Out in Theaters: ‘STAR TREK BEYOND’
by Matt Oakes Posted in Out in Theaters Tagged Anton Yelchin, Chris Pine, Doug Jung, Idris Elba, John Cho, Justin Lin, Karl Urban, Out in Theaters, Reviews, Simon Pegg, Sofia Boutella, Spock, Star Trek Beyond, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana 2 Comments