At the bedside of crisped brother Owen Shaw (Luke Evans), older, meaner Deckard (Jason Statham) vows revenge on the crew that turned his sibling into a pin cushion. The camera pulls back to reveal a high security hospital-turned-war zone and Statham slowly saunters past gunned-down guards, ravaged rooms and fizzling tech. The world pisses itself in the presence of Deckard – your appropriately chewy badass action movie baddie at the center of the latest Fast film. It’s a rightfully outrageous moment that aptly sums up Furious 7 in its complete and stupid glory; it’s so dumb, it’s so good. Read More

by Matt Oakes Posted in Festival Reviews Tagged Furious 7, James Wan, Jason Statham, Ludacris, Michelle Rodriquez, Out in Theaters, Paul Walker, Reviews, SXSW 2015 Reviews, Tyrese Gibson 2 Comments