First Man takes a triumphant first step telling the story of American astronaut Neil Armstrong and hits it with a spell of arthouse sensibilities and emotional undercurrent. Ryan Gosling is a fitting Armstrong, an exceedingly competent pilot, razor-sharp engineer, and unassuming Ohioan boy. He’s a figure of reserved strength and quiet calculation, a perfect match for Gosling’s strong, silent affectation. To his peers, Armstrong is a resilient commander, a man of rock-solid gumption and iron determination. To his family, Armstrong is an emotional astronaut. He’s a world away even on earth. And much like Neil Armstrong the American Hero, I respect the hell out of First Man but it’s a tough cookie to love. Read More

Out in Theaters: ‘FIRST MAN’
by Matt Oakes Posted in Out in Theaters Tagged Claire Foy, Corey Stolls, Damien Chazelle, First Man, Jason Clarke, Josh Singer, Justin Hurwitz, Linus Sandgren, Neil Armstrong, Ryan Gosling 1 Comment