Ok, I promise from here on out I won’t be exclusively reporting
Star Wars news anymore but this one is just too big to pass up. As of yesterday, a
Yoda spinoff was reportedly in the pipes but today’s news is much, much more important- a pair of spin-offs for fan favorites
Han Solo and
Boba Fett.
[EW] Any true fan of the Star Wars saga will list Han and Boba Fett amongst their favorite characters so the prospect of a spin-off for these guys is a good move to get butts in the seat but it’s also inherently risky.If they give Han Solo an origin story in the same vein as they did with Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker in the prequels, they’ll risk sacrificing both his and the original franchise’s coolness, dealing a damaging blow to the relative worth of the franchise. But if they manage to pull it off, you could have an entire stand alone series on the side.
With Disney coming out and confirming that these stand alone movies are a go just yesterday [RopeofSilicon], you can hold the salt and take these things with some real credence.
“There’s been speculation about some standalone films in development, and I can confirm to you today that in fact we are working on a few standalone films. [Lawrence] Kasdan and Simon Kinberg are both working on films, derived from great Star Wars characters that are not part of the overall saga. So we still plan to make Star Wars 7, 8 and 9 roughly over a six year period of time, starting 2015. But there are going to be a few other films released in that period of time, too.”
What we know so far about this proposed spin-offs is that they will take place between the original trilogies. Expect to see an even rogue-ier Han Solo swindling and smuggling his way across the galaxy, wracking up some debt with Jabba the Hutt, fighting off bounty hunters and probably even making that legendary Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. Casting advice: Ryan Gosling…the man’s a rogue.
As for Boba Fett, we can probably assume that his feature would focus on bounty hunting and wearing space suits and jetting Slave 1 across the galaxy. Considering that Boba Fett didn’t really ever say a word in the original series, they’re really gonna have to do more than let him run rampant in his iconic suit. Casting advice: Denzel Washington…because it would be awesome to see that mask come off and have Denzel Denzeling all over the place.
While I find the prospect of these spinoffs potentially promising, I’m gonna hold my breathe until we see a lot, a lot, a lot more information.
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