Emilia Clarke of HBO’s Game of Thrones has been tapped to join the cast of the new Terminator reboot as franchise mainstay Sarah Conner. Helming the project will be GoT alum and Thor: The Dark World director Alan Taylor. Other casting rumors include Zero Dark Thirty’s Jason Clarke as John Connor and, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who seems to do just about anything these days. Will she will play the naïve Sarah Conner of the original or carry some of the tough-as-nails insanity of Linda Hamilton in the sequel? Either way, versatility will be the key to a solid performance by Clarke.
But the concept of a reboot that has the original star (Schwarzenegger) is a little unnerving. It shows that the higher ups on this project are unwilling to take a big enough risk in order to distance this from the original franchise. Terminator has quite frankly been beaten to death, especially with the sequels at the box office, but still: the originals hold up incredibly well. This reboot will have to rely on the curiosity of an audience that still isn’t quite over the novelty of Schwarzenegger’s return to acting.
When the story tries to explain why they chose to use such an old, clearly past his prime, man as a blueprint for their mega death robot, eyes may roll.
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