The writing was on the wall for a late stage move for The Wolf of Wall Street. Now we can rejoice that it didn’t get pushed any further than Christmas Day, leaving it as an 2014 Oscar contender. Not on track to hit the original release date of November 15, a fast approaching, now open slot, Scorsese’s latest apparently needed quite a trim, as the original cut ran over three hours and needed to lose quite a lump of those minutes for profit-seeking reasons. This month-plus push really only gives Scorsese a few more weeks to cut because it will still lead the Marrakech International Film Festival on November 29.
A push of this nature into a massively crowded release period may mean some shuffling as Paramount is also scheduled to release Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit on that same day. Although typically a loaded release date, this Christmas will sees the release of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, 47 Ronin, Believe, Grudge Match, August: Osage County, and the limited releases of Labor Day and The Invisible Woman. With seven films now looking to open wide on the same day, just you wait for an official announcement that Jack Ryan won’t see the light of day until January.
The Wolf of Wall Street is directed by Martin Scorsese and stars Leonardo Dicaprio, Jonah Hill, Matthew McConaughey, Jon Bernthal, Jon Favreau, Kyle Chandler, Jean Dujardin, Rob Reiner and Spike Jonze. It hits theaters November 15.
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