Michel Gondry
is definitely a hit or miss talent (he’s directed such masterpieces as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind amongst duds like The Green Hornet) but his latest film, Mood Indigo (L’Écume des jours), which is set in his home tongue of French, looks like a win to me. The vehemently indie flair that defined Eternal Sunshine is on full display here alongside nutty camerawork and bizarre visual panache.

As a return to form for Gondry, Mood Indigo seems to have all of his eccentric earmarks as well as a fantastic cast, including Audrey Tatou, Romain Duris,and Omar Sy – a formula which will hopefully make this a visual and emotional spectacle.

The trailer is as out there and whimsy as they come but I highly suggest watching it to get your interest piqued in a film that you otherwise probably wouldn’t pay much interest to.

Mood Indigo, starring Audrey Tatou, Romain Duris and Omar Sy, is Michel Gondry‘s latest film and does not yet have a scheduled release date for the U.S.

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