Reviewing Deadpool & Wolverine is about as useful as tits on a duck-billed platypus. After two movies featuring the foul-mouthed merc, played with childlike glee by Ryan Reynolds, indulging in cartoonish violence, 13-year-old-approved potty humor, and gratuitous fourth-wall-breaking meta commentary, viewers have already decided if this slice of the intersectional superhero universe gets them going or not. If Deadpool is already your thing, Deadpool & Wolverine will likely be a phantasmagoric cinematic aphrodisiac, blissfully reveling in the filth and frenetic energy of this profane property, servicing the fans like a truck stop hooker on twofer Fridays. Though many were (rightfully) concerned that the ribald comedy, facetious tone, and hard-R nature would stifle under the transition to the censorial Disney, the Deadpool of yore has been well preserved. However, the resources afforded to Shawn Levy’s $250M production have become near limitless. This, folks, is maximalist Deadpool, with all the resources of an Avengers team-up tentpole but the same old shameless shtick. Read More