Director Peter Berg has never felt the need to hide his right-leaning political posturing in his movies, smuggling an “America First” agenda into the rampant machismo that characterizes films like Lone Survivor and Patriot’s Day. In that capacity, it makes perfect sense why Mark Wahlberg, former underwear model and total A-list douchenozzle, has become his muse and spirit animal – the man is a walking, talking knucklehead who in the public sphere embodies the ideals of shoot first and ask questions later, often making blustery claims about love of country and God above all else, spinning himself into this or that controversy for not being able to keep his trap shut. Read More

Out in Theaters: ‘MILE 22’
by Matt Oakes Posted in Out in Theaters Tagged Carlo Alban, Iko Uwais, John Malkovich, Lauren Cohan, Lea Carpenter, Mark Wahlberg, Out in Theaters, Peter Berg, Reviews, Ronda Rousey Leave a comment