Terrence Malick’s latest game of twiddle sticks cinema peppers the landscape of celebrity ennui with vacuous narrative threads and listless visual poetry. A meandering, overlong death march towards nothingness, the latest from the American auteur is a showcase of a man who’s more than worn out his welcome, who has drip-dried every ounce of juice from the same re-wrung fruit but still yet splashed it up on the screen like a car wreck. Anyone familiar with Malick’s filmography knows to expect little more of Knight of Cups than Christian Bale wandering the corridors of celebrity mansions, beautiful beach fronts and abandoned, dilapidated buildings while whispered trite reveries titter on in the background, theoretically contributing to a greater sense of purpose (that is just not there). In that regard, Malick has played to his devout audience bullheadedly, ignoring any and all critiques of his last critical flounder, To The Wonder, pursuing his own self-parodying style to pertinacious rigidity. Read More

Out In Theaters: ‘KNIGHT OF CUPS’
by Matt Oakes Posted in Out in Theaters Tagged Antonio Banderas, Cate Blanchet, Christian Bale, Frieda Pinto, Imogen Poots, Jason Clarke, Joe Lo Truglio, Joe Manganiello, Kevin Corrigan, Knight of Cups, Natalie Portman, Nick Kroll, Out in Theaters, Reviews, Teresa Palmer, Terrence Malick Leave a comment