Life has a tendency to zip forward on a single, amusement ride track until something or someone comes barreling out of the shadows of entropy to buck your stated momentum and set you serendipitously down a new path. 17th century physicist Isaac Newton described the phenomenon in which colliding forces impress upon one another an equal and opposite reaction in his famous Third Law, which describes both why someone struck by a moving vehicle would find their chest caved in and someone catching a bad edge going a cool 30 mph on decade old skis would find their wrist contorted in all kinds of wrong directions. Read More

Out in Theaters: ‘DEMOLITION’
by Matt Oakes Posted in Out in Theaters Tagged Bryan Sipe, Chris Cooper, Demolition, Heather Hind, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jay M. Glen, Jean-Marc Vallee, Naomi Watts, Out in Theaters, Reviews Leave a comment