It’s hardly a spoiler at this point to acknowledge the fact that Black Widow, Marvel’s first female superhero who has been played by Scarlett Johansson since 2010, is dead. The former assassin-cum-non-powered-superhero sacrificed herself in Endgame to save the world. More specifically, her friend and partner Hawkeye. Had the movie not come out in April and gone on to make literally more money than any other movie ever, I’d maybe try and dance around that fact but let’s be honest: either you know already or you couldn’t care less about the MCU.
After a literal decade being overlooked for her own film, Black Widow finally puts Johansson’s Natasha Romanova in focus, filling out her back story and even giving her a family. While the trailer seems to promise a female-powered political thriller in the same vein as a Bourne film, let us not forget the Marvel formula has extremely strong branding power. But the fact that Black Widow is not a traditional superhero and doesn’t have any discernible “special powers” beyond some rather kickass training, this does have the potential to be Marvel’s less-Marvely movie to date. However, I can’t help but admit that despite this promising first look, the whole concept of a Black Widow origin story still feels like it lacks impact considering we already know her ultimate fate. Here’s hoping it’s not too little, too late.
That said, this first look does look pretty damn good. Check it out for yourself below:
Black Widow also stars Florence Pugh, David Harbour, Rachel Weisz and is said to feature Robert Downey Jr. returning to the role of Tony Stark. In theaters May 1, 2020.
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