Anyone up to date with BBC‘s Sherlock (turn away now if not) saw Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) jump to his death at the hands of arch-nemesis Moriarty. While he may be a magician of the intellect, Sherlock is still a human and a 60-foot jump onto concrete has a tendency to kill humans. Nevertheless, Sherlock continues to live – a fact made clear by this first official from season three.
While the writers certainly have a hole to dig themselves out of – especially if they don’t want to be seen as “jumping the shark” – there is no shortage of internet theories as to how Sherlock could have faked his death in the moment for them to pursue through and pull from. While probably not a common tactic for show runners, it will be interesting to see how closely their solution to Sherlock’s death hems to the heft of fan theories. One way or another, they’re really gonna need to pull something brilliant to win the trust and confidence of fans.
As evident by the opening scene in the final episode of season two, Martin Freeman‘s Watson has become a man broken by Sherlock’s death. We can expect some fierce butting of heads when Sherlock reveals his latest stunt to just be yet another rouse but could it potentially lead to the end of Watson and Sherlock’s odd friendship?
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